Our marvelous microbiota

Picture your gut as a big city. Well, a “Microbiota City” to be more precise.

Bacteria, viruses, fungi (including yeasts), parasites… Your gut microbiota is composed of all these living microorganisms1.

You should also know that you have bacteria in every other part of your body as well: in the ears2, mouth3, skin4, lungs5, urinary tract6, and even in the vagina7.

Get to understand what each of them does, the role they play in our body, and how each of us should take care of our microbiota.

How to maintain healthy microbiota in the summer?

Barbecue, cocktail... here come the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. The Institute gives you some tips for maintaining healthy microbiota while enjoying summer.

And also...

What you may have missed


Although our intestinal flora is probably determined by genes and the environment we live in, there is no d...

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