
Allergies: the role of microbiota

The themed dossier “Allergies: the role of microbiota” published at the end of May 2018 reports on the latest advances on the role of the microbiota on respiratory diseases.

Recent scientific publications have added new data on the involvement of the various microbiota in asthma, food allergies (eggs, milk, peanuts, etc.), allergic rhinitis, and atopic dermatitis.

For example, we are told that Staphylococcus aureus causes atopic dermatitis. Recent analyses have shown that the bacteria was present on the skin of newborns with atopic dermatitis with lesions in more than 90% of cases (78% in cases of dermatitis without lesions, and 10% if the skin is healthy). The density of Staphylococcus aureus is clearly correlated to the severity of the disease. However, solutions exist, like emollients, already selected as a preventative treatment in newborns with atopic dermatitis. These treatments allow the cutaneous pH to return to normal.

BMI 18.02

Created 29 May 2018
Updated 07 April 2023