How do you choose a probiotic for your patient?
Faced with a plethora of products on the market, it's not always easy for health professionals to suggest a...
Find out moreExclusive tools to include microbiota in your practice
A great opportunity for HCPs to be certified on microbiota!
A set of free accrediting courses to improve physician’s knowledge about the importance of human microbiota on health.
Discover the full course catalogInfographics to share with your patients
Download original graphic material to explain to your patients the role of microbiota in their daily health.
Discover all the infographicsYour IBS Diagnosis Check List
Pr. Jean-Marc Sabaté, Pr. Jan Tack, Dr. Pedro Costa Moreira and the Biocodex Microbiota Institute have created a checklist tool in order to better diagnose IBS and communicate with your patient.
Get your checklist now!Microbiota Magazine
Written by experts for experts, the Microbiota magazines aim to bridge the gap between cutting-edge research on microbiota and clinical practice.
Discover all the editionsFaced with a plethora of products on the market, it's not always easy for health professionals to suggest a...
Find out moreFrom the Latin pro and Greek bios meaning “for life”, the term “probiotic” was suggested over 60 years ago,...
Find out moreThe Institute provides you with the latest scientific news and consolidated data about microbiota.