The power of your gut

You probably already know it, a balanced intestinal microbiota is good for your health. But, its role is not limited to the gut. Discover all the impacts that the intestinal microbiota can have!

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My microbiota as a woman

From puberty to menopause, through pregnancy and childbirth, women's lives are marked by major events during which their microbiota play a major role.

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Our marvelous microbiota

Skin microbiota, ENT microbiota, lung microbiota or urinary microbiota... What are the roles of microorganisms, true partners of our health throughout our lives?

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Your microbiota hub of knowledge

Providing scientific information for a better health

We are an international hub of knowledge dedicated to microbiota!

  • Understand your Microbiota
  • Learn about related disorders
  • Take care of your microbiota