Take part in Le French Gut adventure and improve microbiota research
You knew about blood and sperm donation... What if you donated your stool? The Biocodex Microbiota Institute has joined #lefrenchgut project.100,000 stools collected by 2027 to accelerate research and better understand the intestinal microbiota.
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About this article
Initiated by MetaGenoPolis-INRAE and supported by INRAE with public institutions (APHP, Inserm…) and private partners, Le French Gut is the French part of an international project called the "Million Microbiomes from Humans Project" (MMHP). The objective is to build the world's largest database on microbiota with 1 million microbial samples from the intestine, mouth, skin, reproductive tract and other organs. Le French Gut will be contributed with its national collect.
Biocodex Microbiota Institute’s involvement
The Biocodex Microbiota Institute plays an active role in this initiative, producing and sharing exclusive news and informations on the Institute’s website and social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn…) in order to favor the recruitment of volunteers.
With your help, we can make great strides in microbiota research to improve the quality of life of as many people as possible reaching our ambition to become the leader in microbiota care. By participating, you will help the research to explore innovative and personalized therapies for chronic diseases (diabetes, obesity, cancer...), neurodevelopmental disorders (autism...) and neurological diseases (Parkinson, Alzheimer...). We need your donation! If you are an adult, living in metropolitan France, follow the guide