
Fecal microbiota transplant

The principle of fecal microbiota transplant (FMT)–also called stool transplant–is to administer microorganisms found in the stools of a healthy donor to a patient (i.e. the recipient) in order to restore their gut microbiota balance.

Efficacy of FMT has only been successfully demonstrated for a single disease (recurrent Clostridium difficile colitis) but researchers are now focused on other therapeutic avenues. All diseases for which the gut microbiota is believed to play a role are drawing the interest of scientists: gastrointestinal diseases, neurological disorders such as autism, obesity, depression, etc.

Although the media only recently became interested in this topic, FMT is actually a very old medical practice. Its history goes all the way back to 4th-century China. How is FMT regulated? What are its potential future uses and its limits? Here is an overview of the current state of research on FMT.

BMI 19.37

Created 19 December 2019
Updated 31 May 2024
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