Xpeer course: Early establishment of gut microbiota
Get free training on the early establishment of gut microbiota in this CME course, guided by Ericka Montijo. In this course, you will learn about the evolution and importance of the gut microbiota throughout our life.
This article is based on scientific information
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Synopsis of the course
In recent years, the interest in researching the complex interaction between the human gut microbiota and our health has not stopped. Moreover, healthcare professionals have begun wondering if the initial establishment of the gut microbiota plays any role in our adult life. How is the microbiota formed and developed in infancy? How important is it later in life? In this course, you will learn about which factors influence our microbiota even before we are born, and what the consequences of an immature microbiota are later in adult life. Moreover, do not miss out on the practical recommendations on how to enhance a healthy, mature microbiota in children!Unrestricted grant by Biocodex Microbiota Institute
Who is Ericka Montijo?
- Ericka Montijo, MD, is a gastroenterologist working at the National Pediatric Institute in Mexico DF.
- She holds an MSc in pediatric nutrition and is specialized in pediatric endoscopies.
- Conflicts of Interest Statement: Ericka Montijo declares receiving consultation fees from Biocodex México/Reckit Mead Johnson and having participated as a speaker in a company-sponsored bureau organized by Biocodex México and Reckit Mead Johnson.
What is Xpeer?
Xpeer Medical Education is the first accredited medical education app in the market, with video microlearning engaging videos of just 5 minutes.
With a powerful algorithm to personalize the user experience and the contents as the most popular entertaining streaming platforms, it offers a brand new experience for the continuing education and professional development of the healthcare professionals.
Accredited by the European Union of Medical Specialists, it delivers high quality scientific medical education pieces. On Xpeer, you will find this curriculum on Microbiota and 500 hours of medical education in 2021 in your specialty, technologies and professional and personal skills.
Information on accreditation
The app Xpeer is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide official ECMEC credits recognized officially in 26 countries.
The credits for the users of the module will be 1 European CME credit (ECMEC®) for every hour (60 minutes of actual e-learning excluding introductions etc.) of use, provided that the users have completed a module and have passed the relevant assessment.