Microbiota & sport: a photo exhibition highlights the fabulous powers of this invisible coach for your patients
The occasion of a year under the sign of sport, the Biocodex Microbiota Institute gives you an appointment, from 22 to 26 May 2024, at the Cité des Sports d'Issy-les-Moulineaux for the photographic exhibition "The microbiota, our invisible coach". A fascinating dive into the heart of our bowels to discover the microbiota-sport relationship.
This article is based on scientific information

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Bacteria, viruses, fungi (including yeasts) and even parasites: a whole flora, called «intestinal microbiota», populates our digestive system. And this for our greatest good! The gut microbiota promotes digestion, contributes to the proper functioning of our immune system, protects us from pathogenic bacteria… A list of benefits far from being exhaustive because the gut microbiota has many other strings to its bow, and especially in sports! According to several scientific studies, this «invisible coach» would help us in the effort, would be likely to improve our times and even source of motivation for training! Conversely, regular physical activity modulates the composition of our microbiota, favoring certain bacteria capable of optimizing our performance.
Make the invisible visible
In keeping with its mission to educate the general public about the fascinating powers of human microbiota, the Biocodex Microbiota Institute takes advantage of a year full of sporting events to shed light on the bidirectional relationship between microbiota and sport. “We have immersed ourselves in scientific studies that demonstrate the bidirectional relationship between the microbiota and physical activity,” says Murielle Escalmel, Scientific Director of the Biocodex Microbiota Institute. “Hydration, immunity, balance, energy and resilience, on these five key functions of our body, the microbiota plays a real role of invisible coach. With the science behind it, we now needed to reach out to as many people as possible with a major challenge: making the invisible visible.”
“The microbiota plays a real role of the invisible coach.”
The Biocodex Microbiota Institute has entrusted photographer Laurent Hini with the delicate mission of uncovering the mechanisms at work. “Beyond the technical challenge, I was seduced by the message of highlighting the intrinsic link between sport and the microbiota,” says Hini. "I suggested approaching the subject in the form of a diptych with two distinct images: a first portrait of the athlete in motion, to which a second part representing the microbiota as an invisible coach responds.”
5 sports, 5 colours, 6 athletes… and a coach!
Surfing and hydration, judo and defence, breakdance and balance… The exhibition is presented as a course of 5 large diptychs for 5 sports associated with 5 microbiota functions. 6 athletes participated in the exercise. The project was conceived as a vis-à-vis between a wide-angle photograph of the athlete and an image representing his «microbiota coach».
For the microbiota, a mixed technique combining photo and generative visual Artificial Intelligence was used to materialize the function of the microbiota. The exhibition is based on this balance between the perceptible (the athlete) and the invisible (his microbiota). A chromatic dominance was then associated with each diptych: red for energy, orange for balance, white for defense… Colour is important in the exhibition: it is the link between the two parts of each diptych, the signage who will guide, inform the public within the exhibition about the unsuspected powers of human microbiota. And convince him to (re) play sports!
Visit the exhibition
From Wednesday 22 to Sunday 26 May 2024
At the Cité des Sports
92 Rue du Gouverneur Général Éboué
92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
About the Biocodex Microbiota Institute
The Biocodex Microbiota Institute is an international knowledge hub dedicated to promoting better health by communicating about the human microbiota. To do this, it is aimed at health professionals as well as the general public to raise awareness of the central role of this little-known body.
Press contact of the Biocodex Microbiota Institute
Olivier VALCKE
Public Relations and Director of Publications
+33 6 43 61 32 58