Get microbiota certified!
Need practical training on microbiota? Want to update and upgrade your knowledge in a couple of hours? Want to book a private mentoring session with an international expert? Xpeer Medical Education and the Biocodex Microbiota Institute launch a set of courses in order to improve physician’s knowledge about the importance of human microbiota on health.
This article is based on scientific information

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Free accredited courses, available in 7 languages
The training set is composed of 4 one-hour accredited courses. You just have 5 minutes? No problem, each hour is composed of several micro-learning videos. An evaluation test is available at the end of the course to get official European Continuing Medical Education credits provided by the European Accreditation Council on Continuing Medical Education. The courses are available in 7 languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Turkish and Portuguese. Made possible thanks to an unrestricted grant by the Biocodex Microbiota Institute, these courses are completely free and available exclusively on the Xpeer app.
Book a private mentoring session with an expert on the Xpeer app
The first session, available on May 2021, will be dedicated to Drugs and Gut microbiota. Lead by Professor Francisco Guarner Aguilar, MD, PhD, a gastroenterologist and senior researcher at the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute, this course is made for HCPs with medium level of knowledge on microbiota. Thanks to a visual summary composed with 3 recommendations and 3 concepts to revisit, the healthcare professional can use immediately what he/she learns with his/her next patient. Exclusive: the HCPs can also book a private mentoring session with an Pr Guarner on the Xpeer app. Don’t wait, get microbiota certified!
How to access?
Download Xpeer app, register and enter the reference code SBIO21GUA1 or go directly to the main menu.
Coming soon in 2021
- Overweight/Obesity and Microbiota in clinical practice – Pr Karine Clément – 1 ECMEC Credit
- Digestive symptoms and Microbiota in clinical practice – Pr Eamonn Quigley – 1 ECMEC Credit
- Microbiota on drugs in clinical practice – Pr Francisco Guarner – 1 ECMEC Credit
What is Xpeer?
Xpeer Medical Education is the first accredited medical education app in the market, with video microlearning engaging videos of just 5 minutes. With a powerful algorithm to personalize the user experience and the contents as the most popular entertaining streaming platforms, it offers a brand new experience for the continuing education and professional development of the healthcare professionals. Accredited by the European Union of Medical Specialists, it delivers high quality scientific medical education pieces. On Xpeer, you will find this curriculum on Microbiota and 500 hours of medical education in 2021 in your specialty, technologies and professional and personal skills.
About the Microbiota Institute
The Biocodex Microbiota Institute is an international scientific institution that aims to foster health through spreading knowledge about the human microbiota. To do so, the Institute addresses both healthcare professionals and the general
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Olivier VALCKE
Public Relation & Editorial Manager
Phone : +33 1 41 24 30 00